1. Check the Sender: Verify sender’s details. If unfamiliar or seems odd, be cautious of the message’s authenticity.
  2. Spelling and Grammar: Messages with mistakes or odd phrasing may be fake. Genuine sources usually communicate clearly.
  3. Question Requests: Be cautious of messages asking for personal info, passwords, or money. Legitimate contacts wouldn’t do this.
  4. Verify URLs: Avoid clicking on links. Hover to see the actual URL. Shortened links could lead to harmful sites.
  5. Confirm Sources: Verify news or offers on official websites or news outlets. Don’t trust solely WhatsApp messages.
  6. Avoid Urgency: Messages pressuring immediate action might be scams. Take time to verify before acting.
  7. Be Skeptical of Offers: Unrealistically good deals are often scams. Research and consider before believing or acting.
  8. Protect Personal Info: Never share sensitive data via WhatsApp. Scammers exploit personal information for fraud.
  9. Check Forwarded Labels: Messages marked “Forwarded” might not be original. Be more cautious about their content.
  10. Educate Yourself: Stay updated on common scams and tactics used by scammers. Knowledge is key to protection.
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